
Lesson 10 ICT as Platform For Change

I've learned in ICT for Platform for change is that ICT is the way to get some information and to spread the news all over the world. And this is the way why Marcos got to impeached and lots of filipino protest took place along EDSA for Marcos, that's why People Power Revolution formed. ICT also help us to ask for help like when calamity came to our place, and this is the way yo make a petition in to gives access to more people. I think we ca't survive or we can't send help in one click without ICT. Personality Test 1. By answering every single questions. 2. I think, this website doesn't really come up with my result or to my personality. 3. For me the site is not really trustworthy, like what I said the result doesn't match to my personality and this is not appropriate to my habits or to my situation.

Lesson 9 Interactive Multimedia

We tackled in this lesson that we need to know what is multimedia and how does its effects in term of education. In videos we can take a video and post it through YouTube show it to the entire world. in online games we need to used using a WiFi connection  like Farmville, mobile legends and etc. Podcasts is episodic series of audio  and Vodcasts is a episodic series of video and streamed online and they are one of the most common multimedia in websites. And  we tackled on how we gonna embed the videos in our blog using html from YouTube. We have a lots of multimedia contents that we can find in websites.

Lesson 8 Collaborative ICT Development

I learned about Collaborative ICT Development that we can collab with people in online. Like yahoo we can see the news, the weather, we can also open your Gmail that we are found in one page. In this lesson we can share our ideas and communicate using Collaborative tools. We can also compiled our documents and you can also used Microsoft's Yammer for your companies social network that allows sharing and managing content. And for trello we can used this for checklist for your entire team. This is very helpful,  especially to those who works in companies because you can do your paperworks and communicate with your a workmates by using online collaborative tools.

Lesson 7 Online Platforms as Tool for ICT Content and Development

Again what is the meaning of social media? Social media are tools that allows people, companies and other organizations to create, share or exchange informations. This is the most influential Online Platforms, theres a Facebook that everyone used it, YouTube for watching videos and lots of social media. And the prezi for helping to reinvent the art of presentation, Zoho helps you to plan your work and keep track of your progress and slideshare is well presented content from top experts. I think this the longest topic that we already tackled and I  need some focus and get some more information about this topic.

Lesson 6 Imaging and Design for Online Environment

In this lesson, I think this is my favorite topic, I don't know why, I think I enjoyed to create a piktochart. This site it so creative and enjoyable, you can do anything, you can do your own Journal or information about your self using their templates. Infographics is basically the graphical manner usually done in creative way to attract the viewers attention. And we have a lots of platforms but the very common is the Instragram, in this platform you can post some beautiful shots and get the users attention.  And here's my own piktochart

Lesson 5 Advanced Presentation Skills

We tackled about how to you used presentation software and hyperlink properly. In Presentation Software is allowed to create visual aids for presentation to communicate ideas, and other info to a group. The very common is Microsoft PowerPoint this is the most powerful tool in Microsoft. And there's a key terms in Ms PowerPoint, slide show, animation,transition, and hyperlink, they have a lots of similarities. And the last is the hyperlink this is one is hard to used because you need more patience to this, you need to more focus and if you want to more creative choose hyperlink.

Lesson 4 Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

In this lesson we tackled about, Microsoft Excel is the newest and easiest way to compute your data. This is very helpful especially for the teacher's, accounting and etc. And Ma'am Sharmaine teach us on how to use it and what would be the function and parts inside the Excel. And there's a formula and symbols that easy to remember. And Excel help us to make life easier.